Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Back in action, still achy, but that's becoming the new norm. 

Strength Portion:
2 Push Press + 4 Push Jerk
Took it off the blocks and worked up to 195 for a heavy set. Nice to know I can push press bodyweight overhead for a double. 

400m run
9 strict pull ups
12 box jumps @ 24"
15 KB swings @ 1.5 pood

RX was 2 pood, but I pinched something crunchy in my shoulder earlier, so I stuck light and only did Russian swings. No KB overhead for me tonight. 

Finished up 4 full rounds, then the run, pull ups, jumps and 3 swings in the 5th round. Was pretty stoked at not wanting to die during a long cardio workout. 



Note to self, running three "girl" workouts within as many days is not a great idea. Pretty sore and achy a few days afterwards. I'd attribute a lot of that to my lack of sleep in the past few days though, I've been missing out on an hour or so a night. 

Anyway, went in on Monday for a rather brutal workout. I thought it was going to be tough, but I severely underestimated how bad it really was. 

10 sets of front squat doubles, every 90 seconds
Worked up from 185 to 275. Each set felt good. Only the last set even slowed down at all. 

Then, another "girl" workout. Elizabeth. I've actually never done this one before, but half of it looked awesome and the other half looked shite. So, 50/50, right?

Cleans @ 135 lbs
Ring Dips

First off, I suck at dips. My triceps are horribly under developed in relation to the rest of me. I had to scale back the rep pattern to 15-12-9 because I was falling too far behind. 

To be honest, I don't remember my time. It was somewhere over 10 minutes. But I forget the actual number. Needless to say, this one was brutal and I've found my new GOAT movement. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Barbells for Boobs!

Dressed in far too much pink, that I stole from the lady friend's wardrobe, I went in today to do the workout for the charity "Barbells for Boobs". We did Grace, a very short fast workout... 

I RX'ed it at 135 lbs for 30 reps of clean and jerk in 2:42. 

Then, feeling like a sub 3 minute workout was not enough for the day. I took a 10 minute break and recharge with a shake before doing it again, only this time with my bodyweight on the bar. 

With 188 pounds for 30 reps of clean and jerk in 9:20. 

Needless to say, that extra 50 pounds made this quite a bit more difficult. That and the fact I was a bit tired was enough to make this workout interesting enough. 

Now, I'm going to eat and decompress from approximately 12 minutes of work.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Back in for two days in a row. Feeling better. Though I'm sore in quite a few random areas: upper back from the KB Swings, hips from high rep power snatches. Fun times. 

We worked on a snatch complex today, fun one. 

Power Snatch + 2 Hang Snatch + 2 OHS
Worked 135, 155, 170, and then failed on 185. 

The workout was a good one as well. 

90 seconds on/90 seconds rest for four rounds
2 Muscle Ups
Power Snatch @ 115(95) lbs

RX was 4 muscle ups, but I can't be sure that I can string 4 reps for four rounds. The first 2 rounds were at 115lbs but my partner forgot to switch my weight back on for the last 2. Physical fatigue lends itself to mental fatigue.  Almost threw the first rep through the roof, hilarious. 

Finished 48 reps. Lot more cardio than I thought it would be. 


Hey, remember when I said that the creatine and fish oil had staved off the soreness from that 20 rep squat day? I was wrong. It got worse and worse. I legit didn't walk properly for days. 

Today was the first night in the gym in almost a week. Went in for a doozy as well, and did some extras. The gym's challenge ended, so I went in to do some of the benchmarks. 

Finished a 1 mile run in 7:21. That's 20 seconds off the time last attempt. 
Finished 12 strict pull ups, compared to the 10 the first time around. 

Didn't do the other ones, didn't have the time. One other benchmark was my weight, it's down below 190 now. I haven't been this light in years. Even at the end of my last cut, I wasn't around here. And I feel good. 

So, went and did the partner workout afterwards. 
Between the two(three, we had a shadow) we split the following reps:
Calorie Row
1.5 pood KB Swing
Double Unders

Partner(Coach Rick) and I finished in 18:03. Then promptly tried to died on the floor.

Friday, October 17, 2014


I've been sick all week, but finally got back into the gym. As I'm an idiot and love punishment, I did an abridged version of the night before's workout and then tonight's workout back to back. Cause that seemed fun. 

Last night's workout "warmup":
3 rounds of 
6 hang snatch @ 95 lbs
8 pull ups
10 box jump overs @ 30"

Finished that up in a little over 3 minutes and was just covered in sweat. I can see why the full workout of 5 rounds would have sucked as my legs were starting to hate the box jumps by the end of round 3. Butterfly pull ups are coming along nicely though, that's a plus. 

The actual warm up consisted of : WidowMakers (aka 20 rep squats). Dear gods, do I love a good widowmaker session. We did them quite a while ago, but I haven't done them in probably 6 months. So, strapped on 275 and then barreled through.
First ten went smooth enough, then it was singles the rest of the way. Last rep was a doozy. Came forward a bit and strained the hammie a touch, but it's warmed up this morning and feels alright. 

Afterwards was some work on dips, which turned into muscle ups and dips. Then, because I couldn't walk all that properly, I had the lady come pick me up and went home to stuff my face with steak. 

Interestingly enough, the recovery formula is : 12oz steak + 3oz monohydrate creatine + 6oz fish oil. I feel great this morning, was not expecting that to be honest. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Started off with some block work for power cleans from high blocks. Worked from a 5 set at 205 to a heavy single at 250. All felt good. Worked on staying back and not getting pulled forward.. I say "worked on", but I was still getting forward on some of the pulls. Or so says the video I took. 

Afterwards, we did walking front lunges. Got up to 205 lbs this week. Ass is on fire still.

Then there was 4 minutes of tabata with whatever goat item you wanted. I did pull ups that immediately turned into a shit show. Finished a minute and a half butterflying 10+, then had to scramble to keep 7 for the rest of the time. 

After that... was some prowler pushes and tire pulls. Just more stuff to get the heart rate up. Fun times on the astro-turf.


Got in really late to class today because of work. Stupid work getting in the way of fun things. 

Skill work surrounded toes to bar. That's a sticky one for me. I can string a few of them together, but it's definitely a movement that I need to work more in order to be competitive at RX competitions. 

The workout was: 
40 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24"
30 Calorie Row
20 Toes to Bar

Finished up in about 7:13. Another one that looks brutal, but is actually pretty fun. As long as you can keep your head during the burpees, the rest is super easy. Calorie rowing is fun, because you literally just pull as hard as you can and then wait for the calorie to tick. Each pull should be about a calorie, so you just count the pulls. 


Got in early and worked some deadlifts in. Haven't pulled heavy in a while, so worked up to 3x2 at 365 lbs. All felt good and fast, no belt or anything, just some quick pulls off the ground. 

We worked on an overhead complex for class. 3 Strict Presses + 6 Push Presses. Worked up 135. Strict is obviously where you're supposed to fail,but I'll tell you what, those 6 reps were tough. Even with the hip drive, it's still a bit of effort to throw and catch so many times. 

Afterwards, the workout was:
4 rounds (every fourth minute)
400m run
10 strict pull ups

This was pretty fun. Finished each round at about the same time. 2:17-2:25 on each of the rounds. Running wasn't too bad, 400m isn't far enough to make you hate yourself. 10 strict pullups is right in my wheel house. 4-3-2-1 and you're done. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Today we were told to find out Olympic total. That's what my lazy lifting was going to be anyway, so I went to class to do it.

Had some trouble with snatches this morning. Everything was out in front. Had to walk forward to clear up so of my attempts and all of my cues were not helping. Still managed to hit 195 lbs and then jumped to 205. I figured that i was already over body weight, might add well try something big. Missed 205 by an inch and then couldn't get 207 to stay put. Lost them both forward, kind of frustrating.

Cleans went really well. Hit 260 easily and then made 270 on the second attempt. Took some effort and readjustment to get out of the hole with it, but that's an easy front squat for me, so I just grunted it up. The jerk would have been red lighted. Like a two inch press out, but I'll take it as an ugly gym PR.

That's a new gym total of a little over 211 kilos. A good day to be sure.

Friday, October 3, 2014



That's what I wrote on the wall. It was the time that I got last time I tried this workout. Truthfully, I got 4:37 or so the first time, though I did some scaled version then. 5:43 was the first RX score I got when I ran Fran. It was in December, 10 months ago. 

Today was 4:40. Cut off a minute. I like it.

95 lb thrusters
pull ups

Haven't been able string together the necessary pull ups yet. Had to break down the sets of thrusters in half and the pull ups into thirds. Some days the pull ups work, some days they don't. Today wasn't great. But, it worked. 

Then I laid on the floor for like 8 minutes. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Was incredibly sore from Monday's lunges, but got back into the gym anyway. Bit of blood flow helps mend all my achey bits. 

4 rounds for time:
20 push ups
35 air squats 
@ 6:56

5min rest

3 rounds for time:
15 1.5pood kb swing
15 20" box jumps
@ 3:46

5min rest

105lb hang power snatch
@ 33 reps

Each little mini workout pushed you to the point of failure. So, put them all together and you're left gasping for air at the end. Fun times.