Sunday, December 28, 2014

14/12/26 - 14/12/28

After the holidays were over, I decided to stop being a fatty and get some of these cookies out of my system. Did a few different workouts over the course of the last week. I'll lay out a few of them here:

OHS @ 95#
C2B Pull Ups

Finished in just under 5 minutes. This was the first workout I did and went pretty slow and steady through the whole thing. 

15 Box Jumps @ 24"
12 Push Press @ 95#
9 T2B

Did this with the lady friend, we finished 6 full rounds, I think? On every switch of the partners, had to hit a triple of deadlifts at 275#. Almost puked during this, from over exertion and from trying to drink my protein shake mid-workout. Bad idea. Finished though.

Then, this workout: "Hump Day Mash Up". Brutal workout, with built in rest, that makes you think you're going to be okay... but really, you're not. 

Went in today for some lazy lifting stuff. Hit 3-5 reps at 165 clean and jerk, just to get used to that weight(as it's in a competition later) and some paused snatch + OHS complexes. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

14/12/19 - Update

Normally by now, I'd have up my W3:D1 workout. I actually haven't been to the gym since W2:D3. Coming out of that session, I had some tightness in my right lower back and it has not gone away. It's mostly just bothersome pain, but once in a while it goes to shooting pain mode and that's what worries me. 

So, I'll be out of the gym for not sure how long. Pretty much puts an end to my weightlifting cycle. But, on the upside, I signed up for a partner CF competition in early February. Now I have something to train towards. 

Will provide information on the competition workouts soon, as they've released them already. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

W2D3 : 14/12/14

Snatch Singles: 3 @ 60%, 2 @ 70%, 2 @ 75% 2 @ 80%, 1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90%
Clean and Jerk Singles: 3 @ 60%, 2 @ 70%, 2 @ 75% 2 @ 80%, 1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90%
Front Squats: 2 Doubles at 90%

Today was the first time I was able to get up to 90%. Starting to get up to the big numbers. Good times. Had a buddy in the gym with me today, it was good to have some lifting partners there. 

Snatches  went well. 90% was 195lbs and it went up super easy. Will put video of it up once it uploads. Felt too easy. Threw 205lbs on the bar and got that up pretty easily as well. That was nice as I haven't put over 200 up in a while. It didn't feel like a max either. PR hunting is going to be fun in a few weeks. 

Clean and Jerk went smoothly as well. 90% was 256. I hit that rather smoothly. Threw on some more weight just for the hell of it and then hit 277 without much trouble. Will put video down below as well. 

Front Squat hit the first double at 270. Which was great, as I failed rather hard on that on Friday. For the second set, I went to exhaustion. Got 4 reps at that weight before I had to drop the bar. 

Snatch Video
Clean and Jerk Video

W2D2 : 14/12/12

Clean and Jerk 5x2 @ 220-240lbs [75-85%]
Clean Pulls 4x3 @ 255-275lbs
Low Hang Snatch 3x2 @ 145lbs, 2x2 @ 155lbs [~75%]
Snatch Balance 4x2 
Front Squat 5x2 @ 240-270

Alright, this day didn't work out that well. I was off my game for some reason. Snatch Balances were just wiped off the docket, my shoulders were completely shot and I could not handle it. I actually lost the last hang snatch. It was up, I was down in the hole, and it just had to come down. My shoulders couldn't hold it up anymore. 

Lost the last set of 270 front squats. Just couldn't get out of the hole. It was bad. Got pretty upset with that one.

You miss lifts sometimes. It happens.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

W2D1 : 14/12/11

Snatch 5x2 @ 158-178lbs [75-85%]
Snatch Pulls 4x3 @ 195-215lbs [~100%]
Clean Complex @ 205
Pause Squats 5x2 @ 275-300 [~75%]

So, I think my week one numbers were low. My phone's google sheet doesn't update when I change the formulas. It's kind of annoying. On the plus side, this week's weights felt much better than week one's. 

Snatches felt great. I hit the first rep of the last double as a power snatch, it just went up so easily. I reset and hit two more full snatches to make sure I was getting everything out of the workout. 

I subbed in a Clean Complex that our stength coach had programmed into the class instead of just doing the power cleans. It was more volume work than pure intensity work(which is what the power clean is supposed to be, I think), but it was still a little fun stuff to sub in and get some class time. 

The complex was : 2 hang power clean, 2 power clean, 2 hang clean, 2 front squat. Hit 135, 185, 205 then called it a day. 

 Pause Squats were much better than last week. I don't think my legs were anywhere near as tired as last time. The 275 was easy. I sat down there with 300 for a good 3-4 seconds before firing up. Only the last rep was anything close to difficult. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

W1D3 : 14/12/7

Snatch Singles: 3 @ 60%, 3 @ 70%, 2 @ 75% 2 @ 80%, 3 @ 85%
Clean and Jerk Singles: 3 @ 60%, 3 @ 70%, 2 @ 75% 2 @ 80%, 3 @ 85%
Front Squats: 2 Singles at 90%

Wasn't really feeling too motivated to get into the gym today, after a long night of hard cider drinking last night. But, finally got in before dinner. 

The weights went up rather easily today. Not going to lie, 85% felt great on both Snatch and Clean and Jerk. I walked out the last attempt at each lift, which had to be rather hilarious to see. They weren't pretty. But, they went up smoothly, it was just the lockouts that seemed to give me a bit of trouble. 

Front Squats were cake. I think I lowballed my numbers here. I hit the first single at 270 with no effort. Actually took the second single for a double, because it just felt that good. 

The only thing bothering me today is my hands. The cold and dry weather is affecting them as I spend more time on the barbell. I've bought some hand recovery lotion that I've been applying nightly, so let's see how they feel next Friday. 

Back to CF classes for a few days now. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

W1D2 : 14/12/5

Clean and Jerk 5x3 @ 205-225lbs [70-80%]
Clean Pulls 4x4 @ 245-265lbs
Low Hang Snatch 5x2 @ 145lbs [~75%]
Snatch Balance 4x3 @ 135-155lbs
Front Squat 5x2 @ 245-265

Clean and Jerk, man, the first set and last set felt pretty rough. The middle ones were fine, once I was warmed up to the weight and everything. But the first set felt heavy(at 205) and the last set felt heavy(at 225). 
Clean Pulls are being treated the same way as the snatch pulls. Slow off the ground with a pause at position two. 
Hang Snatches were dreadful. By this point, my hands were shot and the winter was ripping at my skin. Kept my straps around for these, but ended up just dropping between reps to save my hands more.
Snatch Balances have never been an easy exercise for me. For some reason, I just never could figure these out. Today was a lot better though, was dropping directly into the hole and these didn't feel too awful. Progress!
Front Squat went about as well as it could have. The last set of 265 was tough as I had expected it to be. 

Pretty sore and tired from last night's training session. Looking forward to tomorrow's recovery day. About to shower and try out some new hand lotion I bought to see if it helps my cracked paws.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

W1D1 : 14/12/4

Snatch 5x3 @ 145-165lbs [70-80%]
Snatch Pulls 4x4 @ 185-205lbs [~100%]
P Clean & P Jerk 5x1 @ 205 [75%]
Pause Squats 4x3 @ 275 [~75%]

Snatches were feeling pretty good. My chest/shoulders are a bit tired from a goat workout last night with a ton of ring dips, but they held together alright under the light weights. 
Snatch Pulls, I kind of changed the programming here. I did slow pulls to the knees and then paused for a two count and then finished the pull. So, it's more of a technique + strength exercise. These are bruuuutal. Just really focusing on staying on the heels, stretching the hams and glutes. Buuuurning.
Power Clean and Power Jerk are always fun. I hate power variations, because I think they're lazy. Truth is that power variations of these movements teach you to move the bar in a different manner. You have to pull the bar to a particular height that is a lot further than your usual receiving position. Variation is key sometimes in these uber technical classic movements.
Pause Squats were depressing. I'm still riding a couple miles each way to work and to the gym on the bike, which fries my legs. I try to tell myself it doesn't, but at 275, this first set was a struggle. They got better and I may have survived at 315, but I was not ready to try it out. The 3 other sets went better and better, as I haven't done pause squats in a while. 

Back At It

So, umm, remember when I used to update this thing regularly? Yeah, me too. Sorry that I've gone off the grid. I've kind of stopped caring about my training and was just doing it. 

That's not to say that things have gone off the tracks or anything. I've been doing some decent things since last I updated. I ran a Spartan sprint. I power snatched 200lbs. I back squatted 385. I've been riding my bike in the bloody freezing cold temperatures. I've competed in an inhouse throwdown at our gym. I went on vacation in the Caribbean and got fat and then came home and realized I suck at being fat. 

But, it's time to get back into it. A buddy at the gym is starting up a Catalyst Athletics weightlifting cycle, so I figured I'd join in. I have my old 3 day adapted programming from the last cycle I ran, I'm just going to run that on a weekend sprint. I've taken off Fridays for the rest of the year, which gives me a pretty good run in the gym of "leave work early on Thursday" through Sunday. 

I'll add a link to the spreadsheet in my google drive, for anyone who is interested. I'll do Day 1 on Thursdays, Day 2 on Friday, rest Saturday, and then Day 3 on Sundays. Monday-Tuesday will be optional CrossFit metcon days and we'll see what this gets me, or how long I can keep with it. 

Should be fun.