Thursday, December 4, 2014

W1D1 : 14/12/4

Snatch 5x3 @ 145-165lbs [70-80%]
Snatch Pulls 4x4 @ 185-205lbs [~100%]
P Clean & P Jerk 5x1 @ 205 [75%]
Pause Squats 4x3 @ 275 [~75%]

Snatches were feeling pretty good. My chest/shoulders are a bit tired from a goat workout last night with a ton of ring dips, but they held together alright under the light weights. 
Snatch Pulls, I kind of changed the programming here. I did slow pulls to the knees and then paused for a two count and then finished the pull. So, it's more of a technique + strength exercise. These are bruuuutal. Just really focusing on staying on the heels, stretching the hams and glutes. Buuuurning.
Power Clean and Power Jerk are always fun. I hate power variations, because I think they're lazy. Truth is that power variations of these movements teach you to move the bar in a different manner. You have to pull the bar to a particular height that is a lot further than your usual receiving position. Variation is key sometimes in these uber technical classic movements.
Pause Squats were depressing. I'm still riding a couple miles each way to work and to the gym on the bike, which fries my legs. I try to tell myself it doesn't, but at 275, this first set was a struggle. They got better and I may have survived at 315, but I was not ready to try it out. The 3 other sets went better and better, as I haven't done pause squats in a while. 

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