Saturday, January 10, 2015


Lazy Lifting on Saturdays!

Got in for some weightlifting work today, nothing heavy, just some technique work. 

Clean Complex up to 205 lbs of Power Clean, Hang Clean, Front Squat for three singles.

Snatch off blocks, above the knee. Triples up to 155 for three sets.

Split Jerk off blocks. Doubles up to 225 for 3 sets.

Then went and benched, because... bench. We're actually doing a Wendler cycle at my gym, so I needed to find my 5rm. Came away with 207.5, after getting stuck under the fourth rep at 215. I totally forgot how to bench... so sad. 


Just a perfunctory apology to all my google email friends out there who now get an email every time I update this blog. I have no idea how to disable that and am frankly too lazy to research it. So, suck it up and bask in my glory. 

Didn't actually do a class on the 8th, just went to workout with my competition buddy. We ran through the first two workouts from the competition, because that seems like a good idea to do in a half hour, right?

WOD 1: "14.2"
10 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12...OH Squats 95/65 Chest 2 Bar Pullups**Clean & Jerk @205/135 Buy/ inCash Out EVERY TIME you switch
8 min AMRAP
Max Rep Squat Clean and Jerk 165/110
8 burpee buy in/cash out with each switch

We made it through all of round 18 and got in another 8 OHS. This was a gut check as you pretty much just fall apart when you crawl back to the cash out clean and jerk. Still, I was happy finishing 18 on our first pass at this. 

WOD 2: 11.3 

This was awful. I'm fine running a ton of reps at this weight for C&J, but those burpees immediately jack up your heart rate and just piss all over any strategy you may have. We switched far too many times on this as well. Next time through, I'm planning on switching like twice at the most and just sitting on the bar and banging out more reps each. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

15/1/5 - 15/1/7

Monday : 
Squats up to 335x5
and then a 14 EMotM
Odd : 6 Toes to Bar & 4 Strict Pull Ups
Even: 4 Keg Ground to Overhead @ 75lbs and 105lbs

Wednesday : 
Deadlifts up to 405x5
and then 3 rounds of:
20 KB Swings @ 1.5 pood
20 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Box Jump Overs @ 20"

Squats felt easy enough. Didn't want to go too heavy, really put more effort into the cardio workout. Being able to string together 6 toes to bar for 7 rounds was a nice though. Especially as I'm supposed to be doing 9 reps for the rounds in the competition coming up. 

The next two days were a bit painful. I open up my hips so much to get a huge kip, and it's ripped apart my hips. Fine work there. 

Deadlifts were pretty heavy. Really quickly moved through the lockouts. Ugly reps. The workout itself was fun. 20 hand release push ups are stupid, just the moment of releasing pressure on the muscle when you pick your hands up makes it so much more of a strain. 

Getting into the gym tomorrow with my competition partner to go through a workout or two. Will be good to battle with/against someone who's stronger than me. You should see this dude, he's a goddamn beast. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

15/1/1 - 15/1/4

I seem to be doing more of these weekly updates, that's not a good sign. I was kind of tied up this week by holidays and friends. We had a situation where some friends needed to spend the week in our guest room, which threw off my gym schedule. 

On the first, Thursday, I was talked into "running the stairs" by my wonderful SO. This entails running up and down the flights of seats at the Harvard Stadium. There are 37 sections, I made it through about 25 before my quads started to just stiffen and give out on me. 

Could barely walk the next day, thanks. 

Saturday, the 3rd, went in to the gym even though my calves were still rocks. Worked up to a heavy clean and jerk. 275 felt great on the second attempt, the first one stayed forward the whole way. Hadn't been setting up properly. Hit 285 for an 8lb PR. 

Did a 15 minute workout afterwards where you work for 30 seconds then take 30 seconds off. Just speed work on clean and jerk at 105. Got 93 reps in 15 minutes, hello volume. 

Sunday, the 4th, went in to work out one last time with my weightlifting coach. She's moving for a bit for work, so wanted to get in and hang out with her one more time. Worked up to a heavy snatch. Hit 202, 207, and then 210.5 for a 5.5 lb PR. Got 215 up in front on attempt 1, then threw it over my head on attempt 2. Didn't want to take another attempt though, will save that for later. 
Hit some paused front squats and called it a day. 

Two PR's over a weekend is pretty good for me. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

14/12/26 - 14/12/28

After the holidays were over, I decided to stop being a fatty and get some of these cookies out of my system. Did a few different workouts over the course of the last week. I'll lay out a few of them here:

OHS @ 95#
C2B Pull Ups

Finished in just under 5 minutes. This was the first workout I did and went pretty slow and steady through the whole thing. 

15 Box Jumps @ 24"
12 Push Press @ 95#
9 T2B

Did this with the lady friend, we finished 6 full rounds, I think? On every switch of the partners, had to hit a triple of deadlifts at 275#. Almost puked during this, from over exertion and from trying to drink my protein shake mid-workout. Bad idea. Finished though.

Then, this workout: "Hump Day Mash Up". Brutal workout, with built in rest, that makes you think you're going to be okay... but really, you're not. 

Went in today for some lazy lifting stuff. Hit 3-5 reps at 165 clean and jerk, just to get used to that weight(as it's in a competition later) and some paused snatch + OHS complexes. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

14/12/19 - Update

Normally by now, I'd have up my W3:D1 workout. I actually haven't been to the gym since W2:D3. Coming out of that session, I had some tightness in my right lower back and it has not gone away. It's mostly just bothersome pain, but once in a while it goes to shooting pain mode and that's what worries me. 

So, I'll be out of the gym for not sure how long. Pretty much puts an end to my weightlifting cycle. But, on the upside, I signed up for a partner CF competition in early February. Now I have something to train towards. 

Will provide information on the competition workouts soon, as they've released them already. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

W2D3 : 14/12/14

Snatch Singles: 3 @ 60%, 2 @ 70%, 2 @ 75% 2 @ 80%, 1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90%
Clean and Jerk Singles: 3 @ 60%, 2 @ 70%, 2 @ 75% 2 @ 80%, 1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90%
Front Squats: 2 Doubles at 90%

Today was the first time I was able to get up to 90%. Starting to get up to the big numbers. Good times. Had a buddy in the gym with me today, it was good to have some lifting partners there. 

Snatches  went well. 90% was 195lbs and it went up super easy. Will put video of it up once it uploads. Felt too easy. Threw 205lbs on the bar and got that up pretty easily as well. That was nice as I haven't put over 200 up in a while. It didn't feel like a max either. PR hunting is going to be fun in a few weeks. 

Clean and Jerk went smoothly as well. 90% was 256. I hit that rather smoothly. Threw on some more weight just for the hell of it and then hit 277 without much trouble. Will put video down below as well. 

Front Squat hit the first double at 270. Which was great, as I failed rather hard on that on Friday. For the second set, I went to exhaustion. Got 4 reps at that weight before I had to drop the bar. 

Snatch Video
Clean and Jerk Video