Friday, August 29, 2014


So, it's been a while. I've been moving and that has literally taken over all of my time. Finally found a spare hour to get to the gym last night, right in time for a chipper class. 

400m run
24 hand stand push ups
24 ball slams @ 20#
24 lateral bar burpees
24 power cleans @ 135#
24 pendlay rows @ 95
400m run

This was actually really fun, except for the hspu portion. That took about half the time. I finished in 13:41, take about a minute or so for each run, about 5 minutes of that was just the push ups. Worst part is that before class I hit a few sets of 5-6 and figured I'd be fine. Something was just missing during the actual workout, they all seemed tougher and I had to switch to kipping after the first ten.
The rest was easy. Should have stuck with 135 for the rows(they were supposed to be ring rows, but we didn't have enough rings so  I subbed). But, the thought of 135 for reps seemed daunting. 95 was too easy though. 

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